Message sent from:


  • Parents/carers  are requested to telephone on the first day of absence before 9.30am or as early as possible and leave a message on 0208 684 4003 - giving your child’s name, class and reason for absence and then each morning, if appropriate, for the duration of the absence.
  • The schools attendance officer will endeavour to contact the parent/carer if no message has been received regarding the reason for the pupil absence.



Holiday requests are not authorised. The application is made using a form from the school office and when a decision is made, a written response is returned to parents\carers.

Unauthorised leave will trigger a referral to the EWO and may lead to the issue of a Penalty Notice per parent/carer, per child. The Penalty Notice is £60 and must be paid within 21 days or £120 within 28 days.




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