
South Norwood Primary School is a caring school which is dedicated to providing all children with extraordinary school days. Children access the curriculum through inspiring, relevant and inclusive experiences. We nurture and challenge our children to believe and succeed. To dream big and become global citizens – beyond the walls of our learning environment.
Curriculum Intent
Our curriculum is at the heart of our school and is carefully designed to support the learning journey of the whole South Norwood child to enable them to achieve success. We will ensure that our curriculum ignites a love of learning. Children at South Norwood will access the curriculum through inspiring, relevant and inclusive experiences. We know that children learn best when they want to learn. We will plan for children to understand how each topic is relevant for children in South Norwood, London and then globally.
Threaded through our curriculum is the teaching of the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) personal goals, (thinker, adaptable, resilient, ethical, communicator, empathetic, collaborator, respectful), the five British values, (democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, respect, tolerance), and compassion.
Inclusion is at the heart of our school. It is expected that all children will participate in learning and adaptations will be made to ensure that all children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum.
Children learn and develop in different ways and may need extra help and support at various points throughout their time at school. Lessons which include practical experiences set the foundations for lifelong learning and enable children to apply skills to real life context.
Work is modified to support learning in the classroom. Adapting resources and activities which focus on personalised curriculum ensures accessibility for all and reduces to barriers to learning.
How do we implement our curriculum?
The curriculum is implemented through thematic topics a year, per year group chosen from the International Primary Curriculum (IPC). These are designed with progression of knowledge and mastery of skills at its core. We prioritise development of “entry points” at the start of a topic and then build upon these as the learning unfolds. These “entry points” are reviewed annually with the cohort so that we can ensure that the experiences we offer continue to resonate with children.
We offer a range of enriching, memorable experiences so that South Norwood children benefit from a full range of academic, spiritual, moral, social and cultural activities, including those on the ‘Pioneer Passport’. These experiences take place at school, in and around the local area of South Norwood, in London and on the Isle of Wight (Year 6).
By the time they leave us at the end of KS2 a South Norwood child will be a confident individual who is actively and enthusiastically engaged on a journey of learning. Through our compassion curriculum, teaching of PHSEC, RHE, Personal goals, Educate and celebrate, British values, school council, Head pupils and other roles within the school - a South Norwood child will understand how to contribute positively to their community and the wider society.
Compassionate Curriculum
We know that to succeed young people need our compassion and at South Norwood we will ensure that we maintain compassion by providing excellent training and support to staff and by using a whole school approach.
1. Relationship building, safety, connection and assurance of wellbeing (safe)
2. Emotional and behavioural self-regulation (happy)
3. Competency of social and personal skills and academic success (learning)
These principles foster positive relationships between pupils and all staff, and support pupils to become more resilient.